Cinnamon French Toast with Maple & Blueberries


2 eggs

Half a cup of milk

1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon

2 Slices of Bread

1 cup full of frozen or fresh blueberries

1 tbsp of maple syrup

Greek yogurt


Beat the eggs, milk, and cinnamon together. Whisk until well blended.

Pour the mixture on the a plate or shallow dish and coat the bread on both sides. Allow the bread to soak up the mixture

Melt some coconut oil or vegetable oil in a large pan on medium high heat.

Add the bread until it turns crispy & golden

Place blueberries in microwavable dish with the maple syrup and heat in the microwave for 30 -60 seconds depending if the blueberries are frozen or fresh

To serve layer the maple blueberries and greek yogurt over the toast & enjoy

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