Veggie Packed Lasagne


A handful of fresh basil

Cooking oil

250g of quality lean 5% fat minced beef

3 large fresh tomatoes

1 large red onion

6 mushrooms

1 large red pepper

2 large cloves of garlic

A large handful of spinach

2 heaped tbsp of tomato purée

1 tin of chopped tomatoes

350g of dried lasagne sheets

Half a cup of beef stock

1 ball of mozzarella

White sauce

150g of mature Cheddar cheese

 4 tbsp of plain flour

Half a pint of semi-skimmed milk

Half tbsp of whole nutmeg


preheat the oven to 190c

Heat 1 tbsp of oil in a large pan on a high heat. Once hot, add the onion, garlic, pepper & mushrooms and cook until soft and the mushroom has started to turn golden

 Add the minced beef, make sure the mince is mixed well with the vegetables then reduce to a medium heat and cook for around 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Add the tomato purée, chopped tomatoes, half of the fresh basil & beef stock then leave to simmer for 15 minutes

In a smaller pan, add the milk and cook on a medium heat

Gradually add the flour and stir continuously

Once all the flour is added and you have a smooth consistency add the cheddar and keep mixing until smooth

Grab a large oven proof dish and start layering up your lasagna. start with a layer of ragu then add lasnge sheet, white sauce and then scatter fresh spinach. continue until you fill the dish

Slice the tomatoes and place on top along with fresh basil and mozzarella

Place in the oven and bake for 20 minutes or until you get a golden & crispy top

Serve with a green salad

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