Extra Zesty Lemon Drizzle Cake


For the cake…

3 large eggs

self raising flour 170g

caster sugar 170g

unsalted butter (make sure it’s room temerature) 170g

Zest of 2 lemons

For the drizzle…

Juice of 2 lemons (use the lemons that you used above for the cake)

120g icing sugar


Grease a bread tin  & pre-heat your oven to 180C

Cream together your cake ingredients until smooth

 Pour your mixture into your bread tin & bake for 30-35mins.

While you’re waiting for your cake to cook, mix together your icing sugar & lemon juice until totally smooth & place to one side.

Check the cake after 30 minutes by inserting a skewer into the middle, if it comes out clean and not sticky then it’s done. If it’s still a little sticky pop it back in the oven for a few more minutes

Once the cake is ready take out of the oven and poke holes all over the cake so the drizzle can seep through

Pour over your lemony glaze and grate a little bit of zest on top

Enjoy with a good cup of tea

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